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The following map is provided by Georgia STEM (#GeorgiaSTEM #COVID19GA) in response to the decision by Johns Hopkins to no longer report below state-level data in the United States as of March 10, 2020.

Georgia STEM is attempting to maintain the map at the county level for Georgia (#COVID19GA). Of course, this will depend on how transparent the Georgia Department of Health (GDPH) and the CDC are willing to be when they report cases that have been confirmed.
Currently, as of March 20, 2020, there are 420 confirmed cases in Georgia (#COVID19GA) and 13 deaths. The Georgia Department of Public Health is no longer releasing presumptive case numbers. Gov. Kemp has ordered all Public School Systems closed until at least March 31, 2020. We will continue to update you on Public School status beginning April 1, 2020.
In order to be sent to the CDC for confirmation, the individual must be positive on two test kits. Cases awaiting confirmation are called presumptive cases. We no longer have data for presumptive cases.
The map below will continue to be updated as we receive the daily update at 12 noon each day. We anticipate it will take about an hour (depending upon the number of new confirmed cases) to update the code and get the map re-configured.
Additionally, we have added the information from the Georgia Department of Education on the Public School Closings in Georgia related to #COVID19GA. When time permits, we will be adding Private School Closings and College Colsings as well.
We are also seeking information continually regarding Hard Labor Creek State Park and the Isolation pods being set-up there.
For updated math including the Fatality rates and infection rates of the virus, go to
You can also check out a continuous thread of updates about (#COVID19GA) at