Georgia STEM recognizes the importance of not only helping students build intelligence and critical thinking skills but also promoting mental health. Engineering Kindness #STEMKindness is the February STEM Challenge. Simply click here to get the Google Doc of the calendar and complete the kindness task of the day. The Calendar is also in an image below and can be found here as a STEM kindness Calendar 2018 (pdf). Print, email and share as much as you want! The more people involved the better! If you miss a day, don’t worry! You can always do 2 acts of kindness to catch up. Post your experience on social media and tag #GeorgiaSTEM and #STEMKindness You can also direct message us or post to any of our social media accounts. (Facebook , Twitter or Instagram) We would love to share your #STEMkindness with all of the GeorgiaSTEM family. Need more ideas – check out these 100 Acts of Kindness. So get out there and generate that serotonin and those endorphins as you Engineer Kindness!